At the worst point, when I returned from my trip, I was 10,862 words behind. The tracking stats helpfully informed me that 'at this rate' I'd be finished on December 19th. Ouch! Definitely not good! Since then I've been steadily whittling away at the wordcount, trying to average 2000-3000 words per day.
And just a moment ago, I passed the recommended word total for today. Exciting enough I had to share. I'm now sitting pretty at 45,065 words. Only three days left to reach 50,000 and a Nanowrimo win. Too bad I'm only half-way through the actual story. Sigh. Back to writing....
"I've Caught Up" signifies achievement and testament to resilience. The commitment to staying on track. How Can You Save Your Cloud Storage To read this blog you can know about tour.