I've decided to host a little Give Away to say thanks for all your support and to finish out the year on an upswing.
What will I be giving away, you ask? How about a little beaded bead pendant like either of the two pictured at the left. I'll even make it in whatever color the winner desires (provided I can find beads in that color).
How do you enter the giveaway? Here's how:
- You can get an entry for visiting my main Etsy store, favoriting an item, then coming back here and commenting to let me know what you chose. If you've favorited an item in the past, you can use that if you'd prefer.
- I'll give you a bonus entry if you let me know why you chose that particular item or items (I'm looking for concrete, constructive ideas here - something beyond 'because I liked it' which, while cool, doesn't give me much to go on in terms of continuous quality improvement).
- I'll also give you a bonus entry if you make a concrete suggestion for future additions to my Etsy store - something you'd love to see in 2014.
- I'll give you an extra entry if you mention and link to this giveaway on your blog or Facebook page, too. Just comment on my blog and let me know where you've posted.
- Anyone who makes a purchase at my Etsy store automatically gets TWO entries.
- I'll also give an additional entry for every $25 in purchases - so if you made a $50 purchase, you'd get four entries. For this purpose, I'll be counting all purchases made between November 15th and December 31st, 2013.
- If you've made a purchase in my Etsy store previously and you buy something between now and the end of the year, I'll give you an extra entry for being a repeat customer.
I'll be choosing the winner (and if there are a LOT of entries - winners) randomly. Lastly, if I break my Monthly Sales Record for my Skunk Hill Studio Etsy store, not only will I do a happy dance, I'll add in a separate Grand Prize of a Fancy Fish hand-stitched by me. But that's only if my December sales top those from July 2013 (my best month to date).
I'll announce the winner(s) on my Blog on Thursday, January 2nd.
Make sure I have a way to contact you in case you are the winner (the easiest is if your profile is set up so I can send you an email). If for some reason I am unable to contact you, I reserve the right to choose another winner. But I'd really, really hate to have to do that.
I'll announce the winner(s) on my Blog on Thursday, January 2nd.
Make sure I have a way to contact you in case you are the winner (the easiest is if your profile is set up so I can send you an email). If for some reason I am unable to contact you, I reserve the right to choose another winner. But I'd really, really hate to have to do that.
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