I missed last Sunday's snow. Joe and I were back in the Midwest, visiting family and experiencing the 'Polar Vortex'. Between flight cancellations on Monday, and a delayed flight on Tuesday, we didn't make it home until the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Our taxi made it up the hill without much issue, but I really wasn't sure we'd make it across the lake of ice otherwise known as the sidewalk separating us from our front steps. I was more than a little tempted to abandon my suitcase on the front verge. If Joe hadn't given me 'the look', I likely would have left it there to be dealt with in the morning.
Happily, I managed to chip away and finish removing the ice flow by mid-afternoon Thursday. Just in time for Seattle Snow 2.0 - my first snow of the year!
The joys of a corner lot! |
I shoveled a couple of times yesterday, but most of the snow fell overnight, so I did a little clearning at o'dark thirty this morning. The joys of a corner lot!
But our house sure looked pretty with the snow |
Only took a little persuading to get Joe to go for a walk with me |
Anyone want a ride? |
Queen Anne Avenue's in pretty good shape |
El Diablo - open for business! |
At the end of our walk, we stopped in at El Diablo's to get Joe a latte, and to see who else was out and about. Quite a few of our friends, as it turned out. After hanging out there for a couple of hours, we headed back home. Joe finished shoveling our walk, and took care of a couple of neighbors for good measure, while I built a snow woman.
My snow woman, ready for the ball |
Some of the snow packed really easily, other layers didn't want to pack at all - you could really tell that it fell at different times, and different temperatures. But I was able to find enough of the sticky snow to make it work.
I loaned her my scarf for a final photo before heading inside |
Good fun in the snow! Though I wonder how I'll be feeling about the white stuff by the end of the week:
it may get old before the week is out! |
Right now my hands are toast from all the shoveling. I'm hoping that they will recover enough so I can use some of these snow days for Beading, or at least Crafting! We'll see how it goes.... In the meantime, it seems like a good time to do some KonMari sorting. I've started piling clothing on the guest bed. Oh my!