Studio Musings

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Little Surprise

Work in Progress by Marcy McMillan
Towards the end of the Seadbeaders' meeting on Saturday, Marcy McMillan sought me out to show me this, her current project. 

Turns out her sister had given her a copy of my book for Christmas, and this piece (which is in progress) is her first experiment based upon the book.  I was tickled and delighted to say the least!  I just wish I'd managed to take better pictures.

While watching me struggle with my camera, Marcy recommended I invest in a small tripod. I think I may take her advice.

And it got me to thinking that it would be great to add an album on either my website or Facebook page for photos of others' freeform bead work.  But an album would look pretty skimpy with just one image.  So if you'd like me to post a picture, let me know and I'll start putting something together.


  1. A book I was reading called things like that "A Sighting in the Wild", where you see someone with your book!

  2. A sighting in the wild - I like that imagery!

    I've had very little feedback on my book, so I loved seeing that someone has found it useful.
