Studio Musings

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November is National Novel Writing Month

It's Nanowrimo time - National Novel Writing Month.  If you've ever thought about trying your hand at writing a novel, November's the time to do it.

The folks over at the Office of Letters and Light make it just about as easy as it's ever going to be.  You still need to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), but they provide the tools, pep talks and encouragement that makes all the difference.

I think of it as my annual cross-training exercise.  For the next month I'll spend my free-time delving into an entirely different artistic medium.  World building.  Story telling.  Learning and possibly even honing my craft of writing. 

The challenge is to reach 50,000 words before the clock ticks over to December 1st.  That translates to 1,667 words per day for 30 days.  Since this is my fourth year participating, I decided to up my personal ante.  My goal is to not only reach 50,000 words, but to complete the first, totally rough draft of my story.  Start to finish.  I've never actually completed a story, so that would be something entirely new for me.

Of course, I'm not off to the best of starts - too bad none of the characters in my upcoming novel have hacking coughs; I've got great source material. :)

Anyone up for joining me?

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