Studio Musings

Friday, August 10, 2012

Working on Freeform Peyote Kits

Ocean Currents, a Freeform Peyote Bracelet kit by Karen Williams
My first freeform peyote kit!
That's mostly what I've been doing this past week - working on kits for freeform peyote. 

I've put together three kits, only one of which is currently available in my Etsy Shop.  That's to make a bracelet similar to my Ocean Currents cuff

My Ocean Currents kits include ten different colors of seed beads shading from bright white to deep cobalt blue, 2 shades of drop beads, an assortment of accent beads, metal button, three different colors of beading thread, even two of my favorite beading needles.  The whole nine yards!

The idea is that it should have pretty much everything you need to dig in and get started.  So why haven't I listed the other two kits yet?  So far I've:

Hunted, sorted and rummaged through my stash of beads until I found the appropriate colors for each kit.

Measuring out seed beads into little plastic baggies
My postal scale comes in handy once again
Measured and weighed seed beads into little plastic baggies, feeling like quite the drug pusher.

Stitched up (and photographed the living daylights out of) a new freeform peyote Beaded Bead for my third kit.  This one's inspired by a friend; I'll tell you more about it next week.
Two of my kits with their respective inspiration bracelets
Two of my kits with their respective inspiration bracelets
Packaged them up with pretty kit covers.  And tried to photograph everything. 

Then I thought, even if I do sell the kits with my book (which is one of the purchase options),  wouldn't it be nice to have some design notes pages for the project, similar to what I did for my Spanish Dancer bracelet in my book? 

So that's where I am now.  Working on design notes and trying to decide just how comprehensive they should be.  It's sort of like a hydra in that it seems to keep growing.  I check one item off my list and three more appear.  Today, I'll be working on those design notes again. I don't have much in the way of process photos for the two braclets, so I'm planning to create illustrations of key points instead. 

Between working on illustrations, editing photos, writing text, doing page layout and editing the whole shebang, I've decided to shoot for listing kits for my Peacock Spring bracelet kit and my new Freeform Peyote Beaded Bead next Friday.  Wish me luck!  I'm going to need it!  :)


  1. Love these colors and the flow of the design - pretty piece!

  2. Good luck slaying your hydra, Karen. As I've mentioned before, editing and knowing when "enough is enough" is not exactly my forte! If I win that CraftOptics Telescope thingy at the CraftArtEdu contest, I may even try beading again. (O.K., I never did anything as complex as your projects, but I used to incorporate it in cross stitch designs.)
