Why Sign-up the Challenge?
* Themed Blog Hops are a great way to share your work with people who understand! Reading the comments left by other, wonderfully creative people and kindred spirits can be a true gift.
* Like taking a workshop, challenges can jumpstart your creativity. Better yet, they are completely free, and you can web surf in your pajamas, at the coffee shop, or in-between innings at the softball game.
* Freeform Peyote Rings are FAST! It feels so good to be able to finish a project in a reasonable amount of time. Compared to larger freeform beadweaving projects, you can complete a ring in a number of hours, rather than days, weeks or months. If you're like me, and haven't started your challenge project yet, it's okay. There's still plenty of time.
* Because they're so quick to make, rings are perfect places to experiment! Simple or completely over-the-top, freeform peyote rings can really shine. I'll admit, I always thought I preferred to wear simple rings. My earliest freeform peyote creations reflected that. But the more I played (and learned from the students in my workshops fearless creations), the more I realized just how much fun wearing an over-the-top signature ring could be.
* Wearing a funky ring is a great conversation starter. Try it! Wear your ring to an office party or out for brunch. People are much more comfortable staring at your hands than at your cleavage (the big problem with necklaces), so people are much more likely to ask you about your ring. Rings are also easier to take off to let someone else take a closer look at your work.
* Everyone is invited to join in, whatever your familiarity or skill level with freeform peyote. The goal here is to challenge yourself and choose your own adventure. Your piece must include freeform peyote, but may include other beading stitches or mixed media techniques as well.
On the reveal day, post a photo (or photos) of what you made and include a paragraph or two about your piece. If this is your first time working with freeform peyote, tell us about your experience.
Don't have a blog? No problem! As long as you can email me photos and text, I'll make sure you're included in the hop as a guest post here on Baublicious.
* To sign up, email me (skunkhillstudio at gmail dot com). Make sure to include your name, email address and blog URL (if you have one). Or leave a comment with your email address on this post, telling me you'd like to join in.
I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Extending signups for the Spring Ring Fling is thoughtful. It allows more participants to join game. Cybercrime Prevention In Latest Technology It is good to share your work with them who understand this work.