As of yesterday morning I am done. I'd been putting in crazy hours trying to finish everything up, and had ticked almost everything off of my list, except for this one covered bottle project. I've put about 4-5 days into it at this point, and I finally came to the realization that it simply needed more time than I have remaining and I could either kill myself trying to finish it (meanwhile turning into a bit of a personal monster), or I could decide I'd finish it later, pack up and enjoy the Penland atmosphere.
So I decided to do the later. My suitcases are even mostly packed - largely because I had to figure out if I needed to get more shipping boxes - and I spent last evening cruising through the other studios. That was good fun.
Today we'll be doing official studio clean-up, and then I'll have the afternoon to do with as I please. Not sure what I'll do.
But before I forget, here are pics of the covered object that I did finish.

Interestingly, I was talking to an instructor from one of the other classes and she asked me about the new piece she'd noticed on my desk - the sea form in blue and bronze, and what I'd done with my car part. She didn't realize they were the same thing. I thought that was great.
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